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Got New Toys?

Did the holiday season gift you with new tech gadgets? How fun! Upgrading technology is always fun but can also be challenging in...

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New Year, New Shield

As we close out this year and enter into 2024 we tend to make resolutions. This is an opportunity to set intentions for...

Cybersecurity blog banner - holiday scams

Cash, Credit, Debit or NFC?

We are spending money almost daily. There are so many methods of payment for our purchases. You may be using a variety of...

Cybersecurity blog banner - holiday scams

Secure Cart: Navigating the Online Shopping Maze Securely

Don't let the Cyber Grinch steal your holidays. Stay vigilant and follow these safe online shopping tips:

  • Use...

Membership section banner - REAL program

Revolutionizing MOREnet Member Libraries: REAL Funding Success Story

Every day, libraries serve their communities by providing an Internet connection that grants patrons access to a wealth of information that can be...

Cybersecurity blog banner - beware phishing scams

'Tis the Season

The holiday season is a time of generosity and giving. The Cyber Grinch knows this too and is ready to take advantage of...

Netsweeper monitoring a computer

Netsweeper onGuard and LanSchool

In addition to Netsweeper as a content filtering solution, we are also happy to have consortium pricing directly through Netsweeper for additional...

Permission Click small banner

A Picture is Worth a

We've heard that a picture is worth a thousand words right? This means that a photo can reveal so much and raise various...

Cybersecurity blog - two-factor authentication

Is MFA Enough?

What is MFA?

Multi-factor authentication provides an extra layer of security when logging into an asset or service. Logins...

Cybersecurity blog - work/personal lines

Email and Device Use – Blurred Lines

In today’s world, we are all melding our personal and work life responsibilities.  Unfortunately, the lines can be blurred in our goal to...

Cybersecurity Awareness Month - keep software up to date

Week 4 Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2023

Update Software.

Keeping your software up-to-date is important. Besides the benefits of added features, these updates may include security patches...

Cybersecurity Awareness Month - be suspicious of emails

Week 3 Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2023

Recognize and report phishing.

Phishing is a cybercrime in which a target or targets are contacted by email, telephone or...

Cybersecurity blog - two-factor authentication

Week 2 Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2023

Turn on Multifactor Authentication.

MFA can add a layer of security to your login authentication process. MFA authentication requires the...

MOREnet logo with school building graphic

A few Cool Things to think about going into MOREnet's 2023 Conference

MOREnet's 2023 Conference is this week, and there's going to be a lot of great resources shared and learned about. As you know,...

Cybersecurity Awareness Month - use strong passwords

Week 1 - Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2023

Use strong passwords and a password manager.
This week focuses on passwords. Instead of using common words that are easy to guess it is...

Cybersecurity Awareness Month - cybersecurity starts with you

Cybersecurity Awareness Month October 2023

October of 2004 launched the initiative to assist people with efforts to stay safer and more secure online. Since then, the campaign has...

MOREnet logo with school building graphic

AI powered websites/tools

There are no shortage of websites and tools powered by A.I. However, now all resources are created equal. Here are 2 resources that...

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WordPress for Libraries: Online Training, Custom Templates

WordPress is an easy-to-use tool to create great-functioning and great-looking websites. Not only do we offer webhosting capabilities through MOREnet, we also offer...

Cybersecurity blog - AI graphic

Humans in the Loop

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is gaining ground to assist us in our everyday lives and workplaces. Most are familiar with voice assistants. These devices...

Threat Management

Data Sanitization

Protecting data goes beyond the storage and transfer of information. When you no longer need to keep data how do you ensure the...