Joining REAL
Eligibility Requirements
Any tax-supported public library will be eligible to participate in the General Assembly-funded portions of the program. A tax-supported library is any library that is funded in whole or in part through either dedicated tax revenue, as in a property tax-supported library district, or the general revenue of a political subdivision of the state, as in a municipal library supported from the general revenue of the city. The minimum requirements for tax support to be eligible to receive state aid also apply to this program.
The library must provide computers with access to the Internet for the use of patrons. The workstations must be connected together.
The library commits to providing public computer and Internet access within six months of receiving the connection.
Designate up to four library staff members as MOREnet contacts. Contacts are designated to request services from MOREnet and are the channel for communications regarding program-related information. Contacts are required to attend basic Internet training at the MOREnet Training offices in Columbia, MO. The REAL program will cover all travel expenses. Additional information on responsibilities of contacts is available in REAL Contact Information.
Completion of an E-rate Form 479 (CIPA Compliance) and Letter of Agency to enable MOREnet to file for E-rate for telecommunications services received by the library.
Application Process
To join the REAL program, please complete the application form and mail it to Missouri State Library, ATTN: Janet Caruthers/REAL Program, 600 W. Main St., Jefferson City MO 65102.
Please contact Jeanne Sullivan with MOREnet at (800) 509-6673 if you have any questions about this application
The REAL Program is funded by an appropriation in HB12. This appropriation is made to the office of the Secretary of State and is administered by the Missouri State Library.
First Year REAL Fee
REAL Member Fee for First Year of Participation in the REAL Program
Effective July 1, 2010
Libraries joining the REAL Program will be assessed a participation fee in accordance with the established fee structure at the time of admission; if a MOREnet connection is installed then the fee will be prorated according to the quarter of the fiscal year in which the MOREnet connection is established.
Funding Priority for REAL Program
Effective: March 15, 2013
The Missouri State Library receives funding annually through a legislative appropriation for the REAL Program. The appropriation provides support for Internet service fees for public library REAL Program members and online resources used by all MOREnet members. The REAL Program’s highest funding priority is providing Internet access support for public libraries, first to main library buildings, then branch libraries. Online resources for all members are purchased as funds allow. The State Library remains dedicated to providing as much funding support for public library Internet connectivity and services as possible. Public library MOREnet members should be aware that the level of support available from the State Library may vary annually based on the amount of this state appropriation.
Rejoining REAL Program
If a library or library system decides to terminate MOREnet Membership Services through the REAL Program they have the option to reapply for the REAL Program in the future. Libraries must be in good standing with MOREnet. Approval by the Missouri State Library of new or returning libraries for REAL Program membership will be based on availability of funding.