In-service training opportunities are held at your organization. These event courses are determined by you, and registration is open to the attendees you wish to invite.
Any member can request an in-service training. There is a flat-rate fee based on mileage from Columbia, Missouri to cover mileage, meals and lodging as appropriate. For those with a Full Membership Service Package, there is no additional fee. For those organizations that maintain a Basic Membership Service Package or our Agency/Nonprofit Membership Service Package, there is also a per-attendee fee at the rate of $50 per person per half day or $100 per person per full day of training.
Request an in-service by contacting MOREnet Training at For a list of our training topics, see Course Descriptions.
- Contact MOREnet training to request an in-service as far in advance as possible. Our calendar fills very quickly and we book on a first call, first scheduled basis.
- A trainer will work with you on possible topics and their appropriate time frames. Please trust our expertise to guide you on the appropriate topic/time frame to provide the best training experience for your staff.
- Pre-registration is required. We will need a list of attendees seven working days before the session. This allows us to be fully prepared for your session.
- We require a minimum registration to hold the session. Our absolute minimum is ten participants. If this minimum is not met seven working days before the class, the session will be cancelled and you will be notified.
- We have a trainer-to-participant ratio, based on the topic. The trainer will determine how many instructors are needed to provide the in-service that you request. Generally this ratio is about 20:1.
- Our travel fees are a flat rate based on your distance from Columbia, Missouri.
What we expect from you:
- Confirmation of date/time/travel authorization as well as the desired topic and number of attendees.
- Enough time allowed for training session to do justice to the topic chosen.
- Access to the training site to allow for ample set-up time and tear-down time.
- Help with loading and unloading the equipment needed for the session.
- Tech staff on site to help troubleshoot (logon, connectivity, etc.).
- Emergency contact information so that we may contact you leading up to the training session should an emergency or other unforeseen situation arise on our end.
What you can expect from us:
- On-time delivery of high quality professional development taught by professional MOREnet trainers.
- Course documentation, where appropriate.
- Emergency contact information so that you can contact us should an emergency or other unforeseen situation arise on your end.
- MOREnet will make all travel related arrangements for transportation, lodging and meals for MOREnet trainers.