
SecondWeb is a service designed to provide a failover website in the event of a catastrophe occurring to a member organization’s web servers. This is designed to be a supplement to a member organization’s disaster recovery plan.

Should your primary web server become unavailable due to weather, excessive power outages, or other unforeseen circumstances, it is as simple as changing the DNS record to redirect traffic to the SecondWeb server until the original server can be restored.

Preserve your web presence – End users can continue to follow the same links or bookmarks to reach your website in the event of extended outages to your primary web server while your SecondWeb static page is live.

Communication – In the event of a planned or unplanned outage, you can continue to communicate to your audience with status reports and instructions.

24x7x365 Support – Our Missouri-based support team are experts in serving K12 and higher education, libraries, government, healthcare and non-profits. Should the need arise for MOREnet to change DNS after normal business hours, members may call our toll-free number and select the phone tree option to report an outage. A MOREnet staff member will then be paged.


What are the technical requirements to manage the SecondWeb hosting service?

  • All you need to manage your SecondWeb static page is an Internet connection, a Web browser, and an FTP client.
  • Windows environments and dynamic web content, such as PHP and SQL, are not supported at this time.

What functionality does the SecondWeb site provide?

  • SecondWeb is a static webpage to be used in the event of a web outage. The objective of the page is to provide a means to communicate with your audience while your primary webpage is down.

In the case of disaster, how do I know MOREnet’s servers will not be down?

  • We maintain the hardware in a secure offsite facility with 24×7 system monitoring. In the event of a regional disaster, MOREnet has redundancies in place to mitigate the risk of a regional wide outage.

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