Cybersecurity Awareness Month – Week Two

Cybersecurity Awareness Month

This year’s theme is “See Yourself in Cyber” and focuses on the people aspect of cybersecurity. We can all do our part to keep ourselves, our families, our organizations and our data safe from cyber crime. This week’s focus is on the use of a strong password. Using strong and unique passwords can assist with keeping your assets secure. Adding two-factor/multi-factor authentication can further fortify your defenses (see last week’s blog). Weak passwords are vulnerable to brute force attacks by bad actors.

What makes a strong password?
Longer is stronger. Use a passphrase. Add complexity by substituting numbers for letters and using special characters. Passphrases are easier to remember and harder to break.

Why should you use a unique password for all of your logins?
If you experience a breach and your login credentials have been compromised, you run the risk of having multiple accounts being hacked if you do not use a different password for each account.

How do you keep track of passwords?
There are many free and fee-based password managers. These tools can store all your URLs and passwords, and most can even generate a random password for you. You only need to remember your master password for the app in order to access all of your passwords. Make sure to pick a password manager that uses encryption and can enable multi-factor authentication.


The Best Password Managers to Secure Your Digital Life
