Google Earth for Math Part 2

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Google Earth can be a valuable tool for enhancing math lessons in the classroom. It allows students to explore real-world applications of mathematical concepts, visualize geometric shapes and patterns, and develop a deeper understanding of various mathematical principles. Here are some ways to use Google Earth in the math classroom:

  • Angle Measurement: Encourage students to use the protractor tool to measure angles formed by intersecting streets, rivers, or other geographical features. They can also investigate how various structures like bridges or towers use different angles.  
  • Latitude and Longitude: Introduce latitude and longitude concepts by having students locate famous landmarks or cities using their coordinates. This activity helps students understand the global coordinate system.  
  • Time Zones: Use Google Earth’s time slider to demonstrate how time zones work and how they change as you move across the globe. This can help students understand time differences between different locations.

Come Back Tomorrow for Part 3!