2023 Presidential Primary Sources Project

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We are excited to introduce the Internet2 Presidential Primary Sources Project (PPSP) program series, and we encourage you to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity.

PPSP is an interactive distance learning program in collaboration with numerous National Park Sites and Presidential Libraries around the country. These sites present a series of free 45-60 minute interactive videoconferencing programs aimed at students in grades 4-12.

The 2023 program series will engage students in learning how to use and analyze primary sources as they are guided on a journey through the historical legacies of our presidents. A participating teacher explains, “You get to learn from an expert and virtually visit a location of historical value and interest in a truly immersive learning experience, where kids are not just being recipients of information but participating in the actual learning process by asking questions and analyzing artifacts.”

The sessions run from Jan. 17, 2023, through April 5, 2023, and are live on each date at 10 a.m. CT and 1 p.m. CT. See the 2023 lineup and get more information on the PPSP.

Visit the 2023 PPSP project page for more information. Register is open, so sign up today!