Using STEM Tools Throughout the Curriculum

Using STEM Tools Throughout Your Curriculum - National STEM Day graphic

Many schools and libraries have invested funding in STEM tools like robots, electronics kits, 3D printers and other tools. They have also invested time in learning to code, working with the tools they purchased and learning lessons and projects for the classroom. As skill and confidence in STEM grows among teachers, librarians and students, many organizations have switched to a hybrid model of incorporating these tools.

While it may not be possible to create full classes in STEM-based learning, many of these tools have been looking for ways they can be applied at many levels in schools and libraries. For example, organizations may not feel comfortable having full robotics classes, but did you know that with readily available lessons from manufacturers like Sphero, Ozobot, Wonder Workshop and others, you can program those robots you already have to be random number or word generators, dice, countdown timers, flashlights and many other tools you use in the classroom? You can also use the functionality built in to many robots and electronic control boards like Micro:Bits, Circuit Playgrounds and others to create temperature, light, motion, audio and other sensors that can be used in a variety of classrooms and grade levels.

The best part is the vast majority of these tools and functions can be built using pre-created lessons that typically involve fewer than 10 lines of easy-to-understand, blocks-based code. The lessons are categorized by age, topic, subject, skill level and time needed to build. Your school or library, using the STEM tools you already have, can easily create STEM-enhanced lessons for reading, math, English, history and a variety of other topics, not just STEM.

Look at the STEM tools you have and think about the classroom tools you need or use and see how they can be merged! Most of these tools can be built in an hour or less and are a great way to enhance just about any class with technology.