EBSCO Explora is a powerful research tool that provides access to a wide range of academic resources, including articles, journals, magazines, and more. Here are 5 tips to help you make the most of the search engine. Check out https://www.more.net/list_pages/events/ for training opportunities for EBSCO!
Browse by Subject: If you’re exploring a broad topic, start by browsing by subject. This can give you a sense of the available resources in a particular field.
Check for Full Text: After you find an article or resource, check if it’s available in full text. This ensures you have access to the complete content.
Explore Related Content: Take advantage of the “Related Content” or “More Like This” features to discover additional resources related to the content you’re already interested in.
Take Advantage of Search History: EBSCO keeps a record of your search history. This can be helpful if you want to re-run a previous search or refine your query.
Cite and Save References: If you find a useful article, use the citation tools provided by EBSCO to generate citations in various formats. This can save you time when creating your bibliography or references page.