Google’s AI Chatbot, called Bard, gets major updates

Bard Gemini Pro graphic

Google recently announced some major updates to Bard that definitely improve this tool for Generative AI. Bard has always been very conversational and creative, but perhaps not as dependable as other large tools like ChatGPT or Bing. But there are 3 big additions that make it a tool to reconsider.

  1. Language model update- Bard is now powered by Gemini Pro. This makes bard faster, more accurate and easier to guide through a conversation than previous models
  2. Double Check- Now, when you prompt Bard for information, you will see a Google “G” graphic at the bottom of the response. Click this icon to have Bard double check its response for accuracy and provide relevant web links to content.
  3. Image generation- Create images from a text prompt. Google’s tool, Imagen2, creates amazing images but also takes steps to protect originality, copyright and intellectual property as it creates. For more info, follow the Google blog post link below

In our tests of content generation and image creation, we found Bard to be fast and accurate, or, as least as accurate as our prompts told it to be. This was one of our image prompts and the result.

Example graphic created by Google Bard.  It is an image of a small, red, humanoid robot with a question mark over his head. The text prompt is included on the image and reads "create an image of a cute, bright, clean little robot with a curious expression and a question mark above his head in the style of Pixar"

Prompt: create an image of a cute, bright, clean little robot with a curious expression and a question mark above his head in the style of Pixar

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