Remote Work Resources

Find information about how to secure meetings, meeting controls and how Zoom supports privacy policies in Zoom’s School Administrator’s Guide.

Please know that we are fully prepared to maintain essential services in order to ensure continuity of operations as you’ve come to expect. We offer a range of technology solutions to meet your students’ and patrons’ needs when they can’t meet face-to-face.

  • Zoom mobile videoconferencing enables you to quickly and easily remote one student or a classroom of students into a class lecture or a distance learning plan. Zoom is supported on all major desktop operating systems and both iOS and Android. Zoom and Canvas are available as a consortium discount, both with aggressive pricing exclusively for our MOREnet consortium.
  • Canvas is an easy-to-use, cloud-based LMS that connects all the digital tools and resources teachers use into one simple place, and it integrates seamlessly with hundreds of apps. Discounted Canvas licenses are available to K-12 schools.
  •, our media repository service, allows you to store, access and stream your media files. Media is easily uploaded and available to users in a format similar to the popular website YouTube.
  • Online Resources: Your membership service package with us includes access to EBSCO, LearningExpress Library and HertiageQuest. With a collection of more than 51,000 electronic journals, nearly 102,000 eBooks and 73 databases, this robust, citable research platform enables online and digital learning for your student population.

FCC Actions for Remote Learning/Work

FCC confirmed community use of E-rate supported wi-fi connections permitted on school campus and library property during school and library closures. This confirmation gave schools and libraries reassurance that their connection, if partially funded by federal funds, can be open to the public who may need to access wi-fi from their parking lots. Each individual school and library will establish their own policies regarding use of their network during closures, including hours of use.

Residential Internet Providers

The following links to residential Internet service providers have not been verified and are offered for your convenience.

Our team has embraced a remote work environment for some time now, and we stand available to assist you as needed through the same contact centers as usual, including phone and email options.

The UM System has created a website addressing broadband availability. Check it out at

Third Party Resources

Zoom School Administrator’s Guide

Relevant Solutions