E-rate Training Schedule

E-rate Training Schedule banner

We are proud to have the State E-rate Specialist on staff at MOREnet. Our series of webinars are open to all Missouri schools and libraries, and help navigate the E-rate forms and guidelines.

To hear what one of our members has to say about the help they get from our team, check out our short interview with Dwight Schell of South Harrison School District. https://www.more.net/member-conversation-dwight-schell-south-harrison-regarding-e-rate/

MOREnet E-rate Training Schedule


Sept. 26, 2024, 9 – 10 a.m.: WEBINAR: Wrapping Up FY23 – Forms 486 & 472
This webinar will cover the required Form 486, CIPA certification. Also, how to file the Form 472 and determine if needed. Register here.

Oct. 23, 2024: CONFERENCE: E-rate training at the MOREnet conference
Session covering the fundamentals of the E-rate program. You must register for the conference to attend. See conference schedule for time and location. Register here.

Oct. 29, 2024, 9 – 10 a.m.: WEBINAR: New Eligible Services in FY25
This webinar will cover new products and services eligible for funding beginning with Funding Year 2025. Register here.

Nov. 14, 2024, 9 – 10 a.m.: WEBINAR: Category Two (C2) budget tools
This webinar will discuss frequently asked questions covering a range of topics related to Category Two funding, implementation and deadlines. Register here.

Dec. 12, 2024, 9 – 10 a.m.: WEBINAR: Competitive Bid Form 470
This webinar will cover step by step details of Form 470; mandatory form to meet the competitive bid requirement for funding on eligible products and services. Register here.

Jan. 23, 2025, 8:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.: WEBINAR: All things E-rate
Covering all details of the E-rate program for beginners and experienced applicants alike. Time will be allotted for filing the initial program Form 470 with available live assistance. Register here.

For questions, please contact:

Chris Schneider                                                                                        Matt Goans

Missouri State E-rate Coordinator                             OR                          Senior Fiscal & Accounting Analyst

schneider@more.net                                                                                goansm@more.net 

573-882-8429                                                                                           573-882-8453