Got New Toys?

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Did the holiday season gift you with new tech gadgets? How fun! Upgrading technology is always fun but can also be challenging in transferring apps, files and photos. This is an opportunity to ensure that you are protecting your device and privacy with a fresh start. Failing to take appropriate steps to reduce your risks can result in personal compromise. Here are a few things you should look at when setting up your new toys.

  • Make sure the firmware is up-to-date. Many devices may sit on the shelf for a period of time and are not current with patches and updates.
  • Change any factory default logins and passwords.
  • Enable two-factor authentication.
  • Check the privacy settings. Ensure that resources, such as contacts, geolocation and photos are not shared unless necessary for the application.
  • Install anti-virus or other security software if applicable.

Now, what about your old gadgets? Are you going to keep it or dispose of it? If you are going to keep it, now is a good time to see to it that you have updated and checked the same settings as the new gizmo. If you are disposing of the old tech you will want to backup your data, log out of active accounts, erase or destroy the hard drive, perform a factory reset, and remove the SIM/SD card.

The bottom line.
The devices we use are directly connected to our digital lives. If a cyber crook would gain access to your device they may be able to steal your identity, compromise your files, extract financial or personal information and commit fraudulent activity. Take the time and care to secure your devices and information.


Before you sell or gift your Windows 10 device or Xbox One
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